By Val Selby - December 13, 2022

val full volume podcast
Val Full Volume
The Productivity Struggle: Working vs. Busy Work

The Productivity Struggle: Working vs. Busy WorkHow productive are your days? Do you fill them with busy work or productive work? Our tendency is to get caught up in a cycle of making a long list of things to do… but maybe that list isn’t really filled with the things we want to do. Or could be doing. What do you want to get done? What do you want to accomplish? What’s going to move that needle for you and your business?

Val’s back with some tips on staying productive but not overwhelming yourself. It might just be a matter of watching to see what time of day you are most productive. Or maybe you need to really look at your list and remove some of the fluff that doesn’t matter. No one can get everything done. And during the holiday season, it’s the perfect time to step back and see what’s important for you, your family, and your business.

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Val Selby

Val has been an online marketer and service provider for over 20 years. As the reigning queen of bundle events, she coordinated dozens of successful bundles in all sorts of niches for multiple businesses between 2018 & 2022.

Bundle Bash was born from seeing that her coaching clients and business customers needed events that were more targeted. BB launched in May 2022 and has helped connect 1000's of businesses and buyers. Collaboration is everything!

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