By Val Selby - February 14, 2023

val full volume podcast
Val Full Volume
Broken Wide Open - Part 2

broke wide open - part 2In this episode, Shana continues to share her traumatic ordeals. She shares about her aortic heart dissection and her breast cancer diagnosis journey. Val and Shana also get deeper into an issue that seems to be affecting a larger population in America. The issue is more rampant than we would like to admit, and it’s a chronic health issue. They discuss it and how it has contributed to an increase in people working from home, and some of you may relate. They also share their coping mechanisms, and one of them is gratitude. Their take on it will have you auditing your life and embarking on a “live life to the fullest” journey.

The episode can only get better, so sit back and learn from the rest of Shana’s story. If you are new to this podcast or story, we recommend you go back to the previous episode and start Shana’s story right from the beginning.

Connect with Shana:

Shana Pennington-Baird is a Voice Actor and Musical Theatre Actor of almost 30 years in the Seattle area. She is the owner and head instructor at Seattle Voice Academy where she teaches voice acting techniques, vocal health, and more.

Ways you can collaborate with Val:
Connect with Val Selby:

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Val Selby

Val has been an online marketer and service provider for over 20 years. As the reigning queen of bundle events, she coordinated dozens of successful bundles in all sorts of niches for multiple businesses between 2018 & 2022.

Bundle Bash was born from seeing that her coaching clients and business customers needed events that were more targeted. BB launched in May 2022 and has helped connect 1000's of businesses and buyers. Collaboration is everything!

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