By Val Selby - June 25, 2024

Val Full Volume
Val Full Volume
You Cannot Hide From Change

Welcome to another whirlwind episode of “Val Full Volume”!

Today, we’re diving headfirst into the wild, messy world of change and how it totally shakes up our groove and mindset.

Alright, let’s get real. Change? It’s like that unexpected plot twist in your favorite show. Totally throws you off, right? I’ve been through some major personal and professional shake-ups lately, and let me tell ya, it’s been a rollercoaster. My routine? Out the window! I used to dive into work or pile on responsibilities just to dodge those squirmy, uncomfortable feels. But now? I’m all about sitting in that icky soup and really feeling it. Because, guess what? That’s where the magic of growth happens!

Instead of shoving those pesky emotions into a corner, I’ve learned to face them head-on. Unresolved stuff? It’s like that one friend who keeps showing up uninvited. Deal with it now, or it’ll keep crashing your party.

Now, let’s talk business. Ever heard of “niching down”? It’s like when you finally decide to stop trying to be everything to everyone and start zeroing in on your true tribe. At first, I was all about those cookie-cutter strategies for growing my biz. But I soon realized that niching down is more like a wild dance than a set of stiff moves. It’s continuous, it’s organic, and, oh boy, it’s ever-evolving!

Working with a coach has been a game-changer for me, especially through these crazy transformations. Seriously, don’t go it alone. Whether it’s a coach, a trusty accountability buddy, or your go-to community group, get yourself some support. It makes the ride way less bumpy and a whole lot more fun.

So, embrace the change, feel those feels, and remember, asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s your superpower. Let’s ride this wave of change together and crush those goals.

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Val Selby

Val has been an online marketer and service provider for over 20 years. As the reigning queen of bundle events, she coordinated dozens of successful bundles in all sorts of niches for multiple businesses between 2018 & 2022.

Bundle Bash was born from seeing that her coaching clients and business customers needed events that were more targeted. BB launched in May 2022 and has helped connect 1000's of businesses and buyers. Collaboration is everything!

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