Stay Out Of Overwhelm and

Choose To Be Productive!

You can sit in busy work or be hitting your biz goals.

There are a million things we can be doing everyday.

Most of them completely relevant and fun. Those hits of dopamine we like as we tell ourselves, "I've done so much today!"

But have you actually been productive?

How much of your to do list you are looking at was on yesterdays list? Last weeks list? Last months?

When you stop the busy work and maximize your to do list:

  • Free up your time like never before. Less hours each day spent on tasks that do not enrich your life.
  • Focus. The reason you are feeling overwhelmed is because you want to do all the things. Let's focus on the quickest way to your biz growth.
  • Stop wasting your time on things that don’t matter. There are far too many things you’re likely doing every day that don’t make any difference in your business. No more lying to yourself about it.

I know you are putting in a ton of time, let's make sure it's accomplishing what you want.

Introducing the Choose to Be Productive Mini Class

I set this up as a mini class because I want to end your overwhelm, not add to it. I want you to master your working hours and get to doing. Not sit here in class thinking about everything on your list not getting done lol

This mini class is for those online business owners who are sitting at their computer for hours and hours and hours wondering at the end of the day why nothing got done.

I’m talking about Virtual Assistants, Coaches, Product Creators, PLR Providers and those who really have not mastered the art of being the boss of your business. If you’re to do list is never ending then this is the class for you.

Why Choose to Be Productive?

Entrepreneurs are constantly telling me they are overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. That their mind spins because it's just not possible to do it all.

And they are 100% correct!

Wait, wut?

I bet you were expecting me to say, "pull up your big girl panties and get to work". HELL NO!

It truly isn't possible to get everything done on your own that could potentially grow your business. That's why it's important to choose what will grow your business and really focus. Strip away the junk that isn't helpful (cough cough, scrolling reels) and is in the way of you being productive.

This is also the time to choose NOT to put everything including the kitchen sink on your to do list. 

Let's get you away from being a slave to rewriting your same tasks on your to do list and hoping they will magically get done.

What's the point of mastering your to do list?

  • The Shit Gets Done – Super secret squirrel can't make sales when you don't get your products and services out there. Money tasks must be bumped up and become important to you.
  • You’ll Create a Business You Love – If you are spending every waking moment working then your life will suffer. This is why it's key to drop the garbage or set aside projects for later and dig into what is the most important. 
  • You’ll Enjoy Work – When you get your to do list done it feels amazing. When you get your to do list done every day for a week it's awesome. When it's been weeks on end and you've been nailing and are now reaping the rewards of productive days it is STUPENDOUS!

Stop being stuck in overwhelm and decide that now is when you choose to be productive.

This mini class is ready for you to dig in right now. Take control of your business.

Usually $47, but access granted to you as part of the Courses We Love Event!

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