to gain clarity, focus and confidence!

Are You Searching For The Path To Productivity?

Don't let your mindset stop your biz goals. 

Our experts are here to help you move on past what you think you "SHOULD" be doing, to what you "KNOW" you want to do.

This will create...


Rayven Monique

Val Selby

Your co-hosts Rayven Monique and Val Selby have a combined 35+ years in internet marketing. We know the roller coaster well, as do the experienced marketers (friends) we've asked to participate in this giveaway.

We want you out of your funk and building the business of your dreams so you can live your best life.

Gain instant access to $557 in products and trainings to jump-start your mojo.

Sign up for the Mojo Jump-Start Giveaway!

Here are the HOT Products & Training

warm fuzzy quotes

Warm Fuzzies Coloring Quotes

value $15

10 motivational quotes private label rights coloring pages for adults perfect to add to journals, workbooks, or client welcome packs.

Studies have shown that coloring reduces stress and is beneficial for adults, allowing us to switch off our brains and focus on the Now.

Thank you to our host Rayven Monique from Color Monthly

work less earn more

Work Less - Earn More Challenge

value $67

Don't let your biz suck the joy out of your life. Take control of your time by working strategically on what really matters.

Join the 10 day challenge and get focused on what will BUILD your business and create a life that you love.

Thank you to our host Val Selby

bright shiny objects

Bright Shiny Objects Workshop

value $97

Bright Shiny Object Syndrome gets blamed for many unfinished projects. For sure it creates distraction for entrepreneurs but I'm going to prove it's not the 'success poison' it's made out to be.

Shiny objects aren't going anywhere and I'll show you how to leverage them for the best good.

Thank you to our friend Kelly McCausey from Love People + Make Money

get past fear

Confident! How to Get Past Fear and Get the Hard Stuff Done (PLR)

value $27

Comfort zones are comfortable by definition. To step out of your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable.

This done-for-you content package will help you to encourage and empower your audience to get the confidence they need to get past the fear and get the important things done. You'll instantly get an assessment, an epic blog post, and more content, including social media posts.

Thank you to our friend Nicole Dean from Content Drafts

Your Success Habits Bootcamp - Use Tiny Habits To Get More Clients

Your Success Habits Bootcamp - Use Tiny Habits To Get More Clients

value $197

Small daily actions is the way to easily achieve success in anything you want to do.  You can use habits to create consistent action in your business too! It's proven that habits allow you to be more productive. More importantly, you can use Tiny Habits to GET MORE CLIENTS!

The Success Habits Bootcamp will share five "Client Getting" Tiny Habits that you can add to your daily business routine to be consistent with increasing your income and providing value to your audience.  

Use the Power of Tiny Habits to Increase your Bottom Line.

Thank you to our friend Jennifer Dunham from Time, Money & Happiness Matters

ways to get it all done

3 Secret Ways Get it All Done in Less Time

value $47

If you never seem to have enough time, can't ever seem to catch up, and want off the hamster wheel of hustle. this cheatsheet is for you.

Thank you to our friend Ann Rusnak from A R Success - Marketplace Strategies Inc

email marketing

Jump Start Your Email Marketing Mojo - Your Setup for Success Guide

value $27

You want to build an online business and live your best life serving people. But you wonder how you’re going to reach, attract, and communicate with those potential clients. You’ve heard that the “money is in the list” – but you don’t have a list! You’re unsure of the tech of setting up email marketing. My guide and checklist will teach you the 12 steps to Jump Start Your Email Marketing Mojo. You CAN learn how to create your own email list for client-attracting marketing and building your own business.

Thank you to our friend Jennifer Burke from Mighty Marketing Mojo

be unique

The Business of Being Yourself

value $27

What if you could let your guard down, feel comfortable being your quirky oddball self, and still attract enough paying customers to make your business dreams come true?

This workbook takes you step-by-step through a system for increasing your confidence and crafting messaging and offers that are in sync with the real you and resonate with the people you want to work with.

Thank you to our friend Amy Smerek from Fruitful Freelancing

daily inspiration

Daily Inspiration Action Sheet

value $15

Do you want to be more intentional about your day?

The Daily Action Sheet is an easy-to-use daily reminder that helps you focus on gratitude, intentional actions, self care and more.

Thank you to our friend Michelle Garrett from Divas With A Purpose

Peaceful Path From Chaos to Calm

value $38

Stop the cycle of anxiety, worry & fear in 30 days without breaking a sweat.

You'll be surprised how easy and effective this process is. Get the workbook and training today!

Thank you to our friend Tara Hayes from Tarafied Publishing

Frequently asked questions

How will I get my products?

After you sign up, you will gain access to the special page that has all of the access information for each product. You choose which products you will sign up for.

Will I be added to everyone's list?

No, you sign up for only the products you want. Those are the only businesses you will receive information from besides Bundle Bash.