By Val Selby - June 13, 2023

Val Full Volume
Val Full Volume
Beating the To-Do List Guilt

Can you recognize the seasons of change in your business? Or do you beat yourself up with guilt about all the things on your to-do list? Perhaps it’s time for some Positive Intelligence. Today, Val has guest Carol Clegg to chat about being a midlife woman in business. Carol shares helpful tips on achieving positive change and even shares a special exercise you can do as well!

It’s important to take ownership of our lives and recognize when things may need to change. As Val says, mindset rules your business.  But it also rules your personal life as well. Keeping that in perspective can help you overcome procrastination when you are working on shifting the seasons of your business and life. If you are a woman in your middle age who wants to run a business that provides both financial gains and enough time to enjoy life, this episode contains all the gems you need to succeed and exceed your expectations.

Connect with Carol:

Carol Clegg is an accountability & mindset coach for midlife women business owners. In 2009 she founded Classic Exec Marketing to help small business owners create and manage their social media marketing. After successfully growing her company over the years, Carol now works as a coach with midlife women helping them move from procrastination to motivation.

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Val Selby

Val has been an online marketer and service provider for over 20 years. As the reigning queen of bundle events, she coordinated dozens of successful bundles in all sorts of niches for multiple businesses between 2018 & 2022.

Bundle Bash was born from seeing that her coaching clients and business customers needed events that were more targeted. BB launched in May 2022 and has helped connect 1000's of businesses and buyers. Collaboration is everything!

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