Stop Saying “I’m Sorry”

val full volume podcast
Val Full Volume
Stop Saying "I'm Sorry"

stop saying I'm sorryI am open to possibilities. I am grateful for awareness. I am me and I’m not sorry. How often have you found yourself starting the conversation with “I’m sorry…”? We are so conditioned to start a conversation this way but are we really sorry? Sometimes you have to sit in your feelings, feel those “feels” and realize that no… we aren’t actually sorry.

Today’s episode brings a raw look at how we work through our feelings and how to push forward. When you stop and reflect, you then have a chance to think about whether you’d do something differently. It’s time to stop the “I’m sorry…” concept. By acknowledging that you aren’t sorry, it can bring you a little peace. Imagine the possibilities!

14 Quick Biz Actions
11:11 Abundability Club

1 thought on “Stop Saying “I’m Sorry””

  1. One of the best pieces of advice I got about fifteenish years ago was to stop apologizing when I did nothing wrong. Even after all this time, I still find myself defaulting to it sometimes, and it’s hard to not say it, but it has also served me well in many ways. Sometimes I overthink for days if I should have said it, but I often find, I truly did nothing wrong, and it was OK to not apologize for that.

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