By Val Selby - July 2, 2024

Val Full Volume
Val Full Volume
Think Less Noise, More Value!

Hey, hey, hey! Welcome back to “Val Full Volume” with yours truly, Val Selby! Today, we’re diving into the ever-changing world of online events, specifically bundles and giveaways. Buckle up, because I’ve been in this game since 2018, and boy, have I seen some changes!

So, let’s spill the tea. Back in the day, it was all about those big numbers and massive reach. But lately? Bigger isn’t always better. Yep, you heard me right! I’ve noticed that huge events are starting to lose their mojo. Everyone’s just drowning in a sea of offers, and it’s not doing anyone any favors—not the hosts, not the contributors, and definitely not the buyers. I mean, my recent summit had all the bells and whistles with email blasts galore, but the sign-ups and engagement. Super meh.

Time for a game-changer! I am introducing a new direction for Bundle Bash, the event platform I kicked off in 2022. From now on, we’re going boutique, baby! We’re focusing on smaller, niche events that prioritize quality over quantity. It’s all about making real, meaningful connections with our audience and each other. Think less noise, more value.

I want to hear from you too! Share your thoughts and experiences. Let’s create events that cut through the digital clutter and truly make a difference. Ready to rock this new wave? Let’s do it!

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Val Selby

Val has been an online marketer and service provider for over 20 years. As the reigning queen of bundle events, she coordinated dozens of successful bundles in all sorts of niches for multiple businesses between 2018 & 2022.

Bundle Bash was born from seeing that her coaching clients and business customers needed events that were more targeted. BB launched in May 2022 and has helped connect 1000's of businesses and buyers. Collaboration is everything!

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