0:36 Hello, oh my gosh, hi. I'm so excited to have you here. I know that you are here right now, because there's a message coming back. And I really know it because I'm sitting here and it was really hard for me to push the record button. I'm sitting here with my hands on my thighs, just wringing my hands. Something's bubbling. Something is major, major bubbling. 1:12 And I know from my perspective, I have had so much going on in my life in the last two months. That for me, yes, my life is bubbling with crazy stuff going on, amazing stuff going on, super, super sad stuff going on - life-ending stuff is happening. That makes me really aware of so much because I'm raw, right? When we're going through major stuff. Okay, I need to talk as just me when I'm going through major stuff. 1:52 Now that I am realizing and acknowledging that I am an empath, I see it even more everywhere. I'm just very, very aware. Luckily, with the knowledge of being an empath, I'm also paying attention to the fact that I can't let that other stuff in and especially during certain times, like right now is a time right now is a time that I do not have anybody anytime. I don't have any extra energy for bullshit. I don't usually have energy for bullshit, but right now, I really, I don't. Hardline. Super, super big boundary, you're going to have to go away right now kind of thing. Just yeah, just right to the blunt chase with people. It's like I've told you, I don't have time for this. And I mean it. So please don't. And that's new for me. And I love it. I love it. 2:53 Because I can look back in years past. And do you do this as well? It's like you're already in that mode of taking care of everything and everybody because life is falling apart. And so you just start grabbing a hold of everybody else's stuff. And then it just snowballs. Maybe it's just me, I don't know, I'm glad that that is not the case. I am loving the boundaries, loving the boundaries. 3:22 So really, what I wanted to come in here and talk about was priorities. I just wrote my mastermind members, a big long email. My mastermind members, we've all been together for years. So we're, we're family. I consider family. I mean, they're, they're used to me. They know. They, they're like, I gotta spew it out. And since we're not having a meeting this week, because I'm not sure if my mother-in-law will make it through the week, I canceled the meeting. 3:53 And that led me into like, okay, this is what's happening, because I won't be in the meeting this week to talk to you about it. And then I was just going, I knew I needed to do a podcast episode. My mind kept going, you should do this. You should do that. You should talk about this. You should talk about that. And it all just felt so contrived. I'm like, this is like me faking it till I make it and I can't. I don't have any fake it yet in me right now. I just really don't. Faking anything or coming up with some topic that I really don't want to talk about. That's what I mean by faking it right this minute. It just feels like then why even bother? 4:40 And I've already talked to my podcast manager and we already talked about and you know, she knows what's going on. So I could have done a reboot. But then I was doing the emails and all of a sudden, it popped out to talk about priorities. And then I need to talk about priorities. I feel the urge the walk to talk to you about priorities, because my mother-in-law's in her in the days, and potentially by the time you get this, she could have already passed. I'm kind of hoping that's the case because she's miserable. So I'm just hoping for that to have already peacefully happened by the time this is recorded. 5:24 And that, of course, is just leading me down priorities of what do I want. And I'm looking at things that she didn't do that in the last few years was a big deal to her that she didn't do. I mean, she and I have been close for decades. You know, my husband and I have been together for 33 years. So, I mean, decades, she's, she's quite literally a second mother to me, sometimes a first mother, because there was a lot of different stuff that I felt like I could come to her for. That was awkward to go to my own mom, you know what I mean? 6:06 It's maybe you don't know what I mean. I hate it when people say that. Sorry, I said that. My daughter's the same way; she has other adult women figures in her life that I have always encouraged her to talk to if she doesn't feel like she could talk to me, talk to them. Absolutely. There's no one person in our life that can help us with all issues. 6:28 So she was definitely that way. So, I have been blessed to have had three mothers in my life. And so that means that a lot of the time, I mean, I didn't know a lot about her. I never knew so much about the travel that she never got to do. Okay, wait, I'm going to change that: never got to do that she chose not to do. You know, I have no idea if she ever told anybody how much she would love to do it. 6:55 I remember my dad and I went to Washington, DC. So he would go to the wall. And three years ago, less than three years ago, 2021. I think we went summer 2021. I don't recommend going to Washington DC in the summer at the end of July, unless you want to be absolutely miserable. But we did, and we had a great time. 7:24 And when I was talking to my mother-in-law about the fact that we were going, and she was super excited. And of course she was like, "send me pictures." And that's gonna be one of the tough parts for sure is when anytime I do travel, I've always sent her tons of pictures like okay, this is what we're doing and letting her live vicariously through our travels. So that's going to be a very big change. 7:47 But she said something that is going to stick with me forever, because she's just like, "gosh, if I was younger", Ew. Right? Right there. But if I she says if "I was younger," she goes, "I would get on the plane with you." And I of course immediately told her, why don't you? Because she definitely could have come with us. But she had already put that limiting belief in there that she was already too old to do things like that, which is hilarious, because she's 10 months older than my dad and we, my dad and I were going, and she was way healthier than my dad as well. 8:24 But mentally, not the same. Because she had already set it as this stuff is already over for her. And I don't want to hit that. And I don't want to get to that point. I don't want to be in my mid-70s and have my grandkids, my kids saying they're going to do stuff and me feeling like I always wanted to do that. I mean, obviously, I'm not going to be able to travel to every single place. Because money is an issue. I need to pay to get there. You know what I mean? So I'm not going to be able to go and do that. But I do need to make a better list of what my priorities are. 9:14 And I also need to voice those priorities to my husband, and let him know, you know what, this is a big deal. I really want to go and do this. And then he gets to make the choice of whether or not he wants to come in as well. I can always find somebody to travel with. That's the beauty of having a global business and having so many friends all around the world. 9:36 I am quite positive. At any point if I wanted to go on a trip and I was gonna go by myself, I could just hit my friends' wall, hit all my friends, hit my groups, and say, "hey, I'm going to be doing this during this time who wants to join me?" and find people that would go. So that's a limiting belief, usually. "Well, I can't travel by myself." I can travel by myself. And I've proven it. It is more enjoyable with my husband, obviously. But there are other ways to have fun. And it doesn't have to be just one person that's going with. 10:09 So, limiting beliefs and priorities. Traveling is a priority for me. It is. I really want to travel, I really want to see different places, really want to see different cultures. So I need to set that goal of okay, well, how am I going to make this happen, or where, not necessarily how, where and when might be a good time to fit it in the schedule. 10:35 So travel is a priority. My businesses are also a big priority. And I set businesses, but my business. I have future businesses that are going to be a priority as well. But right now, it's just the one business that's taking total priority. And I freaking love it. I love it. I love the time spent working in and with my business right now. I love setting up the new stuff that's going on. It is a priority in my days. 11:13 Now, in years past, business wasn't as much of a priority. I had priorities that would take precedence over it. Raising my family always took precedence over all else. And I don't regret that. It's what worked for me. And it's led me to the family that I always wanted. So no regrets. 11:38 That said, I'm an empty nester, now it's all about me, it is 100% about me and what I want to accomplish right now. You know, even over my husband's work, you know, he's at his end of getting closer to retirement. We don't have new big goals for him to hit. You know, he's putting in his days doing exactly what he strived to hit. And now so am I. And the difference. There's such a huge difference. 12:11 Previously, I knew that there were goals like this that I wanted to be heading because I am hitting goals right now. Giant goals. And the feeling that like my end of year goal is huge, for me, is huge. And it's not scary. Because I feel, 100% feel it that it's already in motion. And here we go. We're going to be hitting it. There's no other answer. We will be hitting it. 12:46 I have a ginormous, humongous five year goal, like a wacky way out there goal. And I started doing the thought process. And I'm like, Okay, so in five years, so five years, that's, you know, July of 2028. And then I'm like, you know, it's funny how this stuff usually goes through my head either in the shower, or mostly it's going through my head while I'm watering my flowers. 13:18 And I'm like watering my flowers, and all of a sudden I was just like, wait, no, it's not actually five years. Because I can feel it that we're already I'm already six months into this process that it's going to be happening. So it's technically four and a half years. I don't know, I just thought we were on you. I don't apologize. 13:44 And it's because it's a priority. I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm an overnight success, after using the last 23 years to get to be an overnight success. It's the priorities right now. The priority is my business and it feels great. The priority. 14:08 Even my kids are just like, Oh, are you talking to so and so again, you know, one of my team members and you know kind of thing? It's like, yeah, of course I am. And they know all about my team. And it's so different. And it feels so wonderful. 14:20 And it's because I have absolutely believe in what I'm doing right now. Not that I didn't believe in my missions before. But I really found my zone of genius, which is I was searching for that. I know there's a lot I keep going off of priorities right? The reason that priorities were coming up is because I don't want you like thinking that you should be doing something else when there is a priority in your life. 14:51 Now, six years ago, we were going through end of life with my father in law, and I was not in the stage. I was in nowhere near this stage. Ah, I had really not dug much into my mindset at that point. I was a 100% train wreck at that point, mentally, and emotionally. 15:15 And then that went down. I was still working, I was working from home, but in a job that I hated. But thankfully it gave me structure. And I really was, I don't want to say throwing spaghetti at the walls, but I was here and there. And okay, I'm going to do this, I was working on three different things at the same time. 15:36 But I know quite a few of you might be able to relate with me on that one doing multiple businesses at the same time, when none of them are making money. And coaches told me not to do that, that that was not going to benefit me. And I'm like, whatever, you're not me in my head, I could do it. 15:53 I never did. I never did. There was never a time that growing three businesses at the same time was profitable. All it did was keep me in my life of chaos. But when I set priorities for this is what I'm gonna work on, for myself, even mentally for myself. And then this is what I'm going to work on in my business is when things really started changing, and it has led me to here. 16:19 So, overnight success, I told you 23 years, overnight, 23 years in the making. And I know quite a few of you can relate. How long have you been working on your business? Has it actually been a priority to work on your business? Because there's so many years that "No, it wasn't a huge priority for me to work on my business." 16:43 Because I was raising a family. I was doing this, I was helping these people. I've always put a lot of other people and a lot of other organizations even for volunteers, volunteerism, ahead. And right now, I'm getting really clear. On I am at a point in life at 50 that it's now, it's now or stop, right? It's it's pay attention to the choices that I'm making right this minute. Because I don't like regret. I refuse to live a life of regret. 17:25 So I have to pay attention to the choices I'm making, which means being aware, which means understanding that I'm maybe not making choices. There's plenty of times that I have done that just let life happen. You know, like right now I could, I could definitely be the rain when it rains it pours. But instead, I'm choosing to go you know what this is just what is happening with multiple facets in my life. And I choose to, I choose to make the choices instead of letting the choices happen. 17:58 And I am absolutely rabbit trails, swirling. Priorities, priorities. Once you start figuring out what your priorities are, it becomes easier to just kind of scrape off certain things and go "Nope, doesn't fit. Nope, this doesn't fit right now." It doesn't have to be you are never doing this again, ever. It's just right now, "no, I don't have time for you. I don't have energy for you. I don't want this to be the way that I go or the direction I go." 18:37 I was talking about the fact that I was knowing because right now, like I said, I know I am in a highly, highly susceptible state. How do I want to word this? I could be easily swayed in different directions. And I was brainstorming with somebody and they're throwing ideas out there - great ideas. And, and I feed off of that energy. I was like, "Oh my gosh, that is a good idea. Maybe I should look into that. Maybe I should do that." 19:05 And all of a sudden I'm like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, stop. This is going in a direction of somebody else's priorities, and what they would like to see happen. And they're not even in my staff. They're not even in my business, right?" And all of a sudden, I'm like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, let's... I'm gonna change my conversation in my head. I'm gonna, I'm gonna walk down in this conversation back and forth with the person and let that end for right now." 19:36 And I'm like, "Wait, is that what you want? Or is that what they want? And why would I be leaning towards that?" And there's there's big reasons why. But there's also different ways to go about it. That would be the way I want it. So I have to pay attention to what's my priority. What do I want to see happen? You know, what do I want to look back on and go, "Yep. That's what I wanted to happen. And that's what I did." 20:06 And that happens when you set the priority of what you want, which is not very easy, especially for us women to be wide open and tell everyone that you know what, this is what I need and what I want. And this is what I'm going to make happen. So please, encourage and assist. 20:26 Okay, I know that I did some rabbit trails, as I knew I would. Hopefully, I stuck with the priorities a little bit and enough for you to start really considering what do you want as a priority in your life. And that goes way beyond just work. That is everything in your life and it needing to intersect, because especially if you're an entrepreneur, all of our life intersects with each other. I mean, there's no work life balance, there is just working life together. It's all together. 21:06 Which is why the phrase laptop lifestyle is so popular. You know, my priority right now is that I have to be flexible, to take my business and run if we need to go over to my in laws. And so I cleared my schedule, I have barely anything on my schedule. And anything that is on my schedule is 100% cancelable. I have nothing on my schedule that I don't feel I can cancel. I have given myself permission to cancel anything at any time, right now, because of the season that we're in. 21:53 And that is very freeing, because previously, I might have looked at my schedule and go, "Oh, we guys should have a podcast recording here. I have coaching here, I have this here." And it's like, "No, no, no, no, no, no." I do hope that the podcasts, I get to record the podcast, and I will. I do hold my one on one coaching clients. But sometimes I have to move other meetings around other coaching group coaching stuff around. And that is okay. It is what it is. 22:24 And by giving myself permission, I'm just being very honest, I have I have this priority. And this is absolutely going to take priority over a meeting. And I don't work with anybody that doesn't understand that, right? So remember that when you're setting your priorities, that you're attracting the people that would also have that same priority in their life at that time. They understand? You understand, right? 22:50 There are seasons in our life, where our priorities just have to be a little bit different. We do have to change it just a little bit. And it's okay. And when you do it, it feels so good. Because I'm still getting tons done. I'm just not doing it in the way that I usually do. I'm not talking one on one with so many people or are in a group setting face to face, you know, zoom, I call them... I call them face to face still. Weird how that's changed in my head. 23:24 But I just know that that won't be back. And I'll enjoy it even more when I get back to it. All right, I've talked at you for a really long time, I hope that you will sit down and pay attention to what is a priority in life is, figure out where do you want to go from here? Do you want travel to be a priority? Where to? How can you start making it happen? Do you want to change businesses even? 23:59 That can be a thing, maybe here? Maybe you're banging your head against the wall because you're doing this business and you don't want to quit because you put time into it. Man, I've been there. It's hard to give up a business that you worked years on. It's hard. You feel like it's a waste. But it's not because you know what? You could be an overnight success 23 years in the making as well. 24:25 My goal is just to help you not do the 23 years before it's happened. That's my goal. Set your priorities. Own your priorities. And I will chat at you again next week. All right. Have a great week and go get stuff done. Later.