0:36 Hey, hey, hey, I don't usually do a second recording. But I was having like major major moments with my headset and mic. For some reason, my headset was turned up so high. I finally found the second setting to fix it. And it was like 34. I'm like, no wonder why I can hear every weird breathing. Like what's going on? And it's so hard to record right now. 1:11 We don't have central air conditioning. I mean, it's Washington. We're not supposed to need it. Climate issues. We definitely need it up here now. So, we've got our portable ACs, which are actually pretty quiet. But there's fans all over the house blowing the air around, right? And it's just like, holy crap. I can hear this. It's so loud. Why is the world so loud today? And yeah, I understand the irony of that coming from me. You know, the quietest lady in the world. 1:45 So yeah, welcome. I'm just jumping right in today. I guess my caffeine hit finally. It was weird. Like I was recording and recording. And I'm like, "All I hear is just every single little noise." I can't do it. So I had to reroute. I had to start over. So who knows what golden stuff I had in that three minutes that I was talking. I'm sure it was just as great as what I've started off with right here right now. All right. So hi, all that we give back and present. 2:20 Lately, there's been a couple of mindset things that have really been popping in my head. It's hilarious. I don't listen to podcasts. I had some on Google, my Google podcasts that I liked. And when I switched phones, I guess there's no Google podcasts anymore. So those are gone. And I just really haven't put them on, back on. It's summer. I want to listen to music while I'm running around with the top off the Jeep. So where was I even going with that? I don't even know now. Oh, my gosh, maybe the caffeine is not here. 2:51 Oh. So I had my music cranked up and top's off. And it's my Jeep top. Okay. And I'm like, Okay, I know, I need to record tomorrow, you know, what do I need? What do I even want to talk about, you know, I need some better music to try and figure this out. And all of a sudden, like some things I've seen people posting and talking about, misconceptions, really all of a sudden popped in my head. 3:21 So I got two of them specifically. I'm going to talk about the sales misconception that I'm really seeing around. And I know I dealt with both of these, but really dealt with the sales when I'm gonna talk about that next week. So stay tuned for that next week. But the one that really popped in my head, and all of a sudden, just like, "What is this bullshit? And where the hell did it come from?" It's the whole concept that, you know, "Choose a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life" is such absolute crap. 3:54 And I think quite a few people. Maybe you're one of them. I know I've been one along the way. They think that like, "Well, I must not have chosen the right thing, because this still feels like work." And it's like, "where did this come from?" So I did do a little search. Basically, what I came up with is nobody knows. It's like somebody said, Confucius. They've tried to track it back to there. And everybody's like, maybe not. Some other like, old man professor, not even having a name. They said him. But I saw like Mark Anthony. There's like so many different people that, that it's just like, who knows who said it? Who knows what guy said it? That's basically what I saw all throughout. 4:42 And why I think that this is an issue is because it's making us think that we don't have to do hard stuff. And if it's hard and we don't like it, then maybe we're doing the wrong thing. And that is not the case. That is not the case. If you want something to be super easy, and only the fun stuff all of the time, for one, you probably could better start looking for a lottery ticket, because you're going to need to outsource all of the stuff that you don't want to do. 5:14 Because in business, you have to do the stuff. Or you don't want to be in business, just get a hobby, and then you can just do all the fun stuff, you don't have to worry about the stuff that you don't like, you can just stick around with a hobby. There is no way to be in business, and love it every moment. 5:33 Now, let me just give you a huge example. I absolutely love what I'm doing right now, I love talking about bundles and events every day, all day, except when I don't. Except when I'm like looking at my schedule, and I have the "I don't want those" and I'm looking at my schedule going, "Ah, shit, I got two appointments, I don't, I just don't want to today." Tt feels like work! And it still has to get done. Those people are on my schedule, the conversations need to happen. That's what I do. And most days, it's what I love to do. But there are, I'm human, I am human. I don't love doing all of the same stuff all of the time, forever and ever. Amen. 6:23 I mean, hell, look at dinner, right? You can love pizza, but it doesn't mean that you want to eat pizza every day. Maybe you do for a little while, but I'm pretty sure you're gonna get tired of it, you're gonna be like, I know, no more pizza, right? There's just going to be days where even the things we love to do feel like work. And it's okay. It's normal. 6:50 So when we've got this concept in our heads of, okay, well, I must need to switch what I'm doing. Or the fact that you know, when sometimes when you're gonna make money, you have to do a lot more stuff that you don't like doing. There was a lot of times when I was doing services before I started doing the events, and I would wake up and you know, and these are, these are telltale signs also to start checking in on what you're, you're doing. If it's multiple days, or if you really got that, oh my God, if I see this person's email one more time, I'm gonna lose it. That's when you have to start evaluating. Yes. 7:34 But there's plenty of times when you wake up and you're just like, "Not today. Not today." I mean, even if you absolutely love working in social media, and you love your social media clients, there's still going to be days when you're just like, "Oh my God, I don't want to talk about this one more time." Right? It is just how it works. No matter how much we love what we do, there's just going to be days that it feels like work. And you know why? Because it's work. It is work. 8:11 We're not just laying around by the pool, deadheading our roses, you know, throwing the ball for the dog. That's not work. Yeah, we want to do more of that. But we're still going to need to do the work. Which means there's going to be the days where it just feels like you just don't want to. I don't want to. So really pay attention. 8:37 When I say to you the whole thing of "if you choose a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life," how do you feel when you hear that? Like what's the feeling that comes in? Are you just like, "oh my God, shut up. That's ridiculous. That's stupid." Pay attention to that. Ask yourself why. Because there could be reasons why you might not like anything that you're doing right now. 9:09 And that could be why you're telling yourself, you could just be in the season where you just need to earn the money, right? You just have to do it. And this is what you're doing right now and it's paying the bills. Hallelujah. Right? But start paying attention to, okay, well how can I shift? How can I do any little tweaks and start doing something more that I like more? 9:30 So it could be that you're feeling icky about it because you don't love anything that you're doing in your job right now. You know, so pay attention. Pay attention. What can you change? What can you adapt? What can you start tweaking? What goal can you set that you can start working towards for that? 9:46 Or do you have like the complete opposite reaction of, "Yeah, I love my job," but you're like extreme the other way. "I love everything about my job." It's like, do you really? Are you lying to yourself? Or are you not doing some of the icky stuff, because that could be another thing as well, which is what we're going to talk about next week. 10:08 Because there's plenty of people that love the creation of courses and the creation of the copy, even, you know, there's plenty of people that love to do all of that stuff. They're not doing the stuff that's hard for them. Like I said, we're going on that one next week, I won't keep this one too long. I want to keep it nice and short. And to the point, I know, it's scary. I'm gonna stay on track right now. 10:31 We're gonna talk about that other extreme next week. So come on back. But think about it. Think about that quote, "Choose a job you love. And you will never work a day in your life." I do understand the positivity about it, you know, of doing something that you love. Absolutely. It makes it so much easier. So, so, so, so much easier. I mean, because otherwise, if we're not doing something that we like, at least, then every day is a drudgery, right? 10:59 That's why we want to work for ourselves, why we don't want to work for somebody else. We want to be doing more of the stuff that we like. So pay attention to how that makes you feel. Do you have an extreme reaction to it? And just take a look. Just take a look. But just remember, not every day is unicorns and rainbows. Not every day. Some days it's work. 11:23 And it's work because it's work on the days that you don't want to. Maybe don't, or really force yourself to get it done and be super proud of yourself because you did it. All right. I'll be back at you next week. And we're gonna talk about sales. Later.