0:36 Hello, oh my gosh. Just a deep breath. Do you need to take one today too? I'm totally feeling all of the stress of the last three months crashing down. It's all accumulated and crashing, I'm crashing. I'm low energy, I get it. It's not the time to record a podcast usually, I try not to. But in true fashion of my last three months, I am pushing through and require myself to push through it, I am taking some downtime. 1:33 We have busy seasons, right? There are just times that there's no way around it, we have to do what we have to do. And that's where I've been for the last few months. And on top of that my mother in law's been terminally ill. So it's just been a lot. And I'm going to talk about the changes and all of that that were going on over the last three months. But that wasn't what I was coming here to talk about today. 2:00 But I just couldn't start this off with this pretend fake energy that's not there. It's really not. I'm so mellow. I could see the end of all the busyness and it's getting close, which is beautiful. So when you are going through those busy seasons, make sure that you are also taking time, downtime. 2:27 I'm trying to record this quickly because I sometimes don't know if my husband will get home early. And we haven't taken the boat out for fishing yet this year. I'm recording this is July 27. We have not gone on the boat. That's how crazy our life has been. That's not normal for us. We live with lakes around us. It's very quick to just do a quick trip down. But there was just so much that's been going on for both of us that it wasn't even a thought in my head honestly. 3:01 So I brought it up two days ago. I'm like, "Hey, okay, when you get home Thursday, let's just take the boat out. I don't even technically care if I throw a fishing line. I just want to be on the boat." So I'm being really aware of the downtime stuff that still has to happen. 3:19 We are really paying attention to going and still doing some things even though everything's so busy, getting out of the house. And just making sure that we're not stuck in the muck. And again, this is not what I was coming here to talk to you about. But here we go, I guess. 3:39 So just really be aware of your energy and where you're spending it, where you want to be spending it. If it's a busy season, because we just can't help sometimes things just all pile on at the same time. And when that happens, just make sure that you're taking time for you, taking time for your loved ones. Doing some fun stuff, doing some mellow stuff, we've hit the movies a couple of times. Just really be aware, I don't want to use the word balance, but you are taking the time away, no matter what. 4:16 Take some time away from whatever all the busy is. And whenever you can make happen, you know, we always use the bath; bath is one of the easier ones because you don't have to pay extra for it right? It's in your house. And when you're in the bath, I just have to relax. That sounds like something I need to do tonight as well. 4:39 So what I did come to talk to you about was actually getting stuff off of my list because of an uncoaching that I do to myself and I was talking to the mastermind members today about uncoating which we all are working on. We're a little bit older, and in my mastermind, we've all been online for quite some time. That means we have a lot of information. But it also means that we have a lot of outdated information that's stuck in our head, things that used to work that might not still work. 5:19 A lot of mentors and coaches that have pretty much beaten it into our brains that this is the way you do it. Step one, step two, step three, step four. And this is the way that it works. And I was challenging myself over the last few years. Anytime I start going down into the, "Okay, I'm gonna do this." I ask myself why. Why do I feel like I need to do this? 5:46 I can be super specific about it right now. Actually, I don't have a social media presence for Bundle Bash, just don't. When we created it a year and a half ago, we just didn't want to add it to our plate. And now I'm like looking at it. Oh, I probably should do that. I should get on Instagram, I should get on Facebook, I should get these things created. And I'm like, "Wait, why? Why do I feel like I have to do the social media for the site?" 6:21 And mostly, it's because that's what you do. You have the social medias. That's what you do. But it would add more expense and more time. 6:32 So what's my outcome? What's my positive outcome going to be with my social media? I mean, honestly, we don't know. Right? It could be something that blows up my business, it very well could be, or it could just be a time and money suck. And that's been my experience in the past. 6:51 So I'm really looking at okay, what do I tell my clients? What's working? And how can you do more of what's working? Because that's a little easier, right? If you're already doing something, and it's already working, how can you expand on it and make it even better? 7:08 So the Facebook group is working. And that's kind of social media, though, of course, I mean, it's on social media, obviously. And the group does need to grow, and the group does need to be managed. So I'm going to look at going down that route, versus just a Facebook page. I have a Facebook page. I think there's 14 people who like it at this point. But I don't really post it seems like one more thing to add to the list. 7:38 And I'm like, I have a ginormous list right now. Do I really, and I asked myself this question, Do I really need to add this? On top of everything else? That's not getting done yet? Is this a priority over the things that are already on my list? And most of that is a hell no. 8:00 And even hiring a social media manager, I'm looking at it going. Is that the best use of the money? Or should I hire somebody to create this and this and this instead? 8:10 So anytime that you start feeling like you need to go and do something new, do something different. Sit on it for a second, and really pay attention. Why am I feeling like I need to do this? Is it because I want to or because I feel like I'm supposed to? I should? Is it because a lot of people have said that's the way and this is how you do it. And you need to encode yourself. 8:39 I get that bullshit out of your head. It's not easy. Believe me, I got 23 years worth of bullshit floating around in my head. So much of it did work way back in the day, but it was way back in the day. 8:54 And oh, my gosh, the internet now is not even close to the same as it was then so why do I keep going back to these things? And I know for some of it is because maybe the people that I am like thinking of or mimicking kind of thing from way back. It did work for them at that time, right? 9:19 So different times, different circumstances, and different likes. Here's one of the things. I constantly go back to Instagram, people talk about Instagram and their results and so great results, right? 9:37 And I don't even really care for being on Instagram for a personal account and scrolling through. So it's like, Why do I feel like I would like it more if it was my business. And that just seemed like a time suck and a poor waste. A poor way to use the time? Why go do something that you don't really like? 10:03 Was that outcome to be expected, if you're doing stuff that you don't like, that's not necessarily necessary to keeping your business going. I know people that are not on social media and their businesses are thriving, they are kicking butt. So I need to pay attention to that. 10:25 Like, okay, so I know people on both ends of the spectrum for social media, and it works for both of them. So I just have to figure out where's my fit in that right? And why do I keep thinking it has to be a priority now? No, another thing. 10:46 Usually, if I'm thinking I need to add something, it means I'm hiding from something very typical of me to go into, like, old me would definitely go with like a whole 'nother direction, like, Okay, well, you know, where this idea for this website, let's go to that, because that's fun. 11:09 Because starting stuff is fun, right? So our brains just like, Let's go start new stuff. What's even more fun is following through on the projects that you have. And keep making them better and better and better and better. Because then they become more profitable, money's fun. Money's fun, all the things you can do with money. 11:32 But it takes following through on projects, even through the icky stuff. On our brains, when we get to the boring stuff, because work is work. Remember, I was just talking about that just a few weeks ago, it's work, we sometimes have to go through and do stuff that we don't want to do, because it actually does need to happen. 11:51 You know, like social media accounts that don't actually have to happen. Sometimes we have to read the sales page, sometimes we have to write emails, if you don't like emails, that can be a big deal. Sometimes we have to do the stuff that we don't like, because it is actually part of the business, and the only way that the business will grow. 12:11 So we have to follow through on the projects. Even when it gets to the point where we're like, I don't want to I want to go to this fun new idea, instead of constantly starting the fun new idea. Nothing's getting sold, nothing is out there for people to buy. People don't know who the hell you are. 12:34 Right? Which can be part of the issue as well with not finishing projects. But because we don't get it out there, then nobody can critique it, and you're not a failure. That's my MO. That's my old me MO, I should say, is fear of success. And criticize. If you don't finish a project, or half-ass the project, then you took control of the project and that's why it failed. 13:03 I just went in full circle, and I don't even know where I'm at now. Okay, I do feel my energy going up a little bit, though, thank goodness, I still have some stuff to get done. Before we go off fishing in the sunshine, I like to call it my suntan time. Go get some suntan. But really, the water is my happy place. 13:27 So that's just where I need to go and regroup and just be on the water for now. Take a look at what you are adding to your list. And ask yourself why? Why is that getting added? It could be for very good reason. And that's okay. 13:43 But just be really aware and really tell yourself, okay, I'm doing this, I'm going to add in this because I want to, that'd be a really great thing to add on top. And it will grow my business. And I do like doing it. You know, work through it, work through it. 14:02 You don't have to add stuff. And you can keep everything as easy as possible. I was just with a coaching client today. And we walked through stuff. When you are looking at a project before you start making any lists, it just feels like woah. I mean, right? It's just like huge, and there's so much stuff. 14:23 So, we started working through how can we make this as easy as possible without having to create things. We totally nailed it. I think we're down to one, one little sales webinar signup page that she's gonna have to create, plus some emails to go with it. I think that's it. 14:40 Just look at what you've got already. And how can you make it better? How can you use what you've got? Instead of starting something new, or going in a different direction that you don't know if it's gonna work? 14:54 Alright, let's end that before I squirrel into yet another topic. Thanks for being here, listening, helping me. It helps me pull up my energy. So, I appreciate you being here. 15:09 And we will talk about the craziness of the last three months. Because there's so much to share from all the learning that I have done. Isn't growth fun? Not always. I will be talking about that. I'm moving my website. So much stuff has happened in the last three months. And it's all amazing and good and fun and moving forward. 15:33 But I am definitely right now going to pull out my to-do list, take a look at it. I'm going to make some checkmarks, maybe get the highlighter pen out, but highlight the stuff that I know is working and start figuring out how to take my own damn advice and do as I say, but how can I make it even better? What's the goal? How can I make what I already have even better? At it! I'll talk at you next week. Bye!