Val Selby [00:00:06]: Hey, this is Val Selby and after over 20 years online, I can track where my mindset has blocked me. If procrastination, impostor syndrome and a lack of focus have been blocking your biz, then Val Full Volume is here to help you see choices you are making. Get ready to use your expertise to collaborate like a pro as you create the business of your dreams. Now is the time to make changes and live your best life. Let's get to it! Val Selby [00:00:36]: Hello. I'm so happy you're here again today or hopefully you're here again. Maybe you're new. And if so, welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. That's just it right there. Oh my gosh. Are you ready for the holidays? Like, I don't even know where the squirrels are gonna take me. Val Selby [00:00:57]: There's so many squirrels rolling right now. Are you ready for the holidays and the less work and the work time, not the less work, the less work time, are you taking time off? Are you planning for that time off? Or is it gonna hit you like a Mack truck, and you're gonna be like, holy crap, I still have to get everything done, and it's Christmas, and after all the Christmas stuff and Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving stuff if you're in the US, and and and it's New Year's, and I have to plan for 2024. And and and, yeah. That's, that's my brain right now, which I've been talking to - I mean, you heard Lauren was on here last week, and so there was some conversation of the big whys and all of that, and that did get my mind flowing. And then next week, I have an interview with Miss Kemya. And that definitely while we were talking in the recording and before and after, you know, I was really figuring out why why I'm feeling super frazzled and out of it and it's because I don't have a plan right now. I mean, I'm always gonna be super honest with you. Val Selby [00:02:07]: So here we go. There's just times where everything freaking falls apart. It's just life and that's how over half of this year has really gone. And I felt like Groundhog's Day lately, survival mode, I mean, you know, the desperation, all of that. I even talked to my doctor about my anxiety being, like, worse than it's ever been. So I'm highly aware that I did submit some anxiety meds, and I think that it's making it worse. But I'm aware, and I'm having that conversation with them. I know it's going to take some time, but possibly, I really hoped that maybe the first one might be the winner. Val Selby [00:02:55]: I don't think so. I don't think so. And it's like, could it be in a pop more more tough week, you know, where I'm really, like, feeling, like, the pull from everything and what the hell am I gonna do with my life. That's what I'm feeling right now. It's so it's so icky. And I know part of the issue is I'm human, okay? So I'm superhuman, just not a superhuman that, like, like, not that way. I am human, and I want everything fixed and plans in place yesterday or at least today, and that isn't gonna happen if I'm not sitting there and making the plans and doing that, right? Val Selby [00:03:46]: If I'm stuck in the day to day, which is what I've been doing and being stuck in the day to day does not grow my business, it's not gonna grow your business either, then here I am, just Groundhog's day, just rotating. Next day, get up. Do admin stuff and behind the scenes stuff. Next day, there's no creativity going on in the last couple of weeks. I don't even know what creativity means. Like, oh my God, what do I want? I don't know. Like, what's the version of being successful? I know I'm unloading, unloading, but I know I'm not the only one. Val Selby [00:04:21]: Yes. My shoulders are up to my ears right this second. I'm gonna breathe. I ain't gonna breathe, but I know so many people are feeling the same way. It does happen at the end of every year. Not necessarily to this extent. I don't usually have a major death happen in my family. Thank God. I don't go through a business partner change. Val Selby [00:04:46]: What else is going on? I - so much so much stuff has gone on and so much good as well. Absolutely. So much good, which can also pile on there as well, right? It's just systems. Systems are out of place. I'm not even in my own system, which is one of the major things I was talking to Miss Kemya about is the fact that she's very similar. She creates workshops based on what she needs and what she's done to get herself on track or to get her business in line. She created things that she knew she needed that helped her and then also help her customers and her clients. And very much the same thing of what I do. Val Selby [00:05:32]: Very much. So I know I need to rerecord. Next month, there will be the rerecording of the next 90 days because I don't have a 90 day plan right now or a major goal for year out, which is why it's Groundhog's Day. If there's nothing to be working towards because you don't know what you're working towards, then you're just in the daily muck, and it's very easy to staying there. So I am committed to getting out of there because I don't wanna be stuck in this muck anymore. I don't wanna be stuck in Groundhog's Day. I don't wanna be freaking out going, is there any growth happening? I don't even know what would growth look like. I'm not gonna go down there. Val Selby [00:06:18]: Deep breath again. So systems, that is one of the major thing. And when I'm saying systems, I'm not talking about, you know, what tech you're using necessarily, I'm not talking about any of that. I'm talking about how do you plan out? How do you know what you're gonna be working on? How do you know that you're successful? Like like, what's your tracking for for the call? It's like this whole picture, right, so you can celebrate. Again, one of the things I've been looking at going okay, I have been celebrating, but it's been more life stuff than I've really been celebrating. Val Selby [00:07:02]: Again, really good, right? Still celebrating. But I'm not celebrating things in my business right now. And I firmly believe that that is because like, what are my goals? What what do I celebrate when I don't know where I'm going right this minute? And here's me judging myself. I feel like maybe somebody out there is just like, oh my God. I can't believe you're sharing this. How do you not know your goals? Blah blah blah blah blah. Well, I do know some general goals, you know, the monthly monetary goal and stuff like that, but a monetary goal is worthless if you don't have a plan on how you're gonna get there. And right now, I don't really have that plan, so that's why I have to have my 90 day goals. Val Selby [00:07:57]: And the fact that I haven't done one in at least two quarters, I would say I mean, everything kinda went to shit. Well, everything absolutely did go to shit in May, but it was a little bit before there, so it was probably March. So first quarter was possibly I had a, possibly, I had a second quarter 90 day goal all mapped out. I can guarantee that that didn't happen. I can guarantee I haven't even looked at it. I can guarantee that I'm gonna open up my notebook. Maybe glance at it. Probably not. I'm probably just gonna throw it away, honestly, because it's - I want brand new. Val Selby [00:08:37]: I do. I just wanna sit in here with my brand new brain that I have gone through so much growth in the last few months, sit here with my brand new brain, and brainstorm, just new stuff out of the box, like oh, that's exciting. That's exciting. And I know the end of the year is always one of those times where I have loved to sit and dream about, okay, what do I want? What do I want my business to look like? And I haven't done that yet for Bundle Bash. Because so much changed and all at once, I haven't sat and really done that just myself. My partner and I had had lots of conversations about it together, but it's all mine now. So what do I want? What do - what does success look like for that? What do I wanna create more of in the next year, in the next 2 years, 5 years. I don't know if I wanna go past 5 years, but what giant dreams are out there that sound fun and exciting, and, like, let's work towards that. Val Selby [00:09:49]: When big things retreats. I've been wanting to hold a live event. I was supposed to hold a live event in 2020, and then I was supposed to hold it in 2021 when they moved my the conference room over, thankfully, for me, and 2021 still wasn't okay to do anything in Washington state, so I haven't done my live event that I was so excited to host. You know? What does hosting a live event now look like? I've wanted to do retreats for years now. Years and years and years. Years and years and years. I haven't sat down and dreamed what would a retreat look like now with the information I have and the Bundle Bash, and how can I make that work? What would that look like? Where would I go? You know, dreams. Dreams. Val Selby [00:10:35]: Not even paying attention to okay, well, Bali's out of the question because I can't freaking afford that. No. It's on the list for dreams. Dreams. Doesn't mean that I'm gonna do it in February or even next year at any point, but the what ifs need to get added on there instead of me just being my own naysayer and judge of, yeah, that can't happen. Oh my God. The only way to make that happen, which I don't know if that even flows through my head because I don't even allow it to have the the space of what if what if we went to Bali? Val Selby [00:11:15]: And Bali's coming up because I just opened an email for somebody that some big marketing that was that's gonna be hosting one, and I'm like, oh my God, that would be so amazing. I can't imagine leaving my husband for 30 days for what this Bali retreat was, but I was like, wow. That has to be, like, an absolute life changing experience, which is what would excite me about hosting a retreat is what if, what if we got a bunch of people together? So, see, we have to do our dreams. We have to do our big, big brainstorm, no judgment of if it can happen or how to make it happen, just has to get out of our brains because the only way to be able to get to those big dreams is to put them on paper, is to take a look at them, is to set other little goals of okay, well, you know, if we are going to host a retreat, how do we start growing our list. How do we start connecting with more people? What topic is it gonna be? So how do we start connecting with more people on those topics So that we have that market for when the retreat does happen. I think I'm stuck on a retreat. Val Selby [00:12:39]: Can you tell? Lots of ums today. So as the year is coming towards an end, I really want you to take a look at what's your celebrations? What have you done? Maybe you've had a tough year like I've had. What have you survived and muddled through and you're on the other side now? You're here. We're here. We made it through some Hertz. Possibly made it through some giant Hertz. And it doesn't matter if we're for the better or for the worse for it. You're here and you're doing, so celebrate that. Val Selby [00:13:28]: Celebrate that first. But take a look at, you know, what else have you accomplished this year? You know? Have you grown your list? Have you been in some events? Have you gotten, a new lead magnet out? Have you gotten a new product out? Have you made new connections? All of those are celebrations. So make sure that you're going through and going, okay, yeah, I did that. I did that. And especially if it's more than you did last year. Val Selby [00:14:01]: Okay. That's awesome. Look it. Look at what I did to yourself because we're our harshest critic, of course. And we need to recognize all of the things that we have done because we're so hard on ourselves looking at what hasn't gotten accomplished, what hasn't, you know, like, my list. I don't even have, I don't even have my 90 day plan, so I'm not gonna beat myself up about it. It just is, and it's time to sit down and reevaluate and pay attention. Okay. We know this is an issue now. I know right now that this is definitely something to pay attention to in the future because I have to have my 90 day plan. Val Selby [00:14:52]: And when I don't have one, ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Months down the road, I'm feeling like this. So I just have to be aware. It can just be a flag now. You know? One of those many, many flags that pop up and it's like, okay. Oh, gosh. Val Selby [00:15:06]: Yeah. This is probably why it's happening. You know, let's take a look. Let's take a look at regroup. You know? So how are you feeling with the end of your year? Line I would love it if you'd reach out. Reach out. Let me know. Val Selby [00:15:19]: Reach out on social media. Reach out here in the Facebook, hit me on the contacts. Or not Facebook. This is not Facebook. Oh, my brain. I'm telling you. I am telling you. I am not a 100% sure where my brain is, I am trying to keep it here present. Val Selby [00:15:40]: It's almost like cold medicine kinda thing. It will be back. It will be back. And I know that the planning's gonna help, but hit me up on the contact form here in the show notes. Any way that you wanna reach out, you know, celebrate. Let me know. How has your year been? Has it been a tough year? Have you been going through a bunch of stuff as well? I've been talking to quite a few people, and you know what? It's not the misery loves company. It's the fact that we just some of us just needed to talk about it. Val Selby [00:16:10]: And so, you know, if it's been a year, let's talk about it. I'm here. If it's been an amazing year, I definitely wanna hear it. I wanna be your biggest cheerleader. I love cheering people on. If you are ready to pat yourself on the back for things that you have done, hit me up because I totally support you patting yourself on the back. If we can't pat ourselves on the back when we've done great stuff, then how can we even hope that other people are going to recognize what we've done. So alright. Val Selby [00:16:40]: I'm gonna go package up my squirrels and put them in my 90 day plan, get all the squirrels written down because I need to corral them, obviously. And, if you're in the US, this is running on Thanksgiving week, so I wish you a very, very happy Thanksgiving. And please sit down and take a moment to look at everything that you've done and celebrate and give thanks for what you're doing. Alright. See you next week.