Val Selby [00:00:06]: Hey, this is Val Selby and after over 20 years online, I can track where my mindset has blocked me. If procrastination, impostor syndrome and a lack of focus have been blocking your biz, then Val Full Volume is here to help you see choices you are making. Get ready to use your expertise to collaborate like a pro as you create the business of your dreams. Now is the time to make changes and live your best life. Let's get to it! Val Selby [00:00:36]: Alright. Oh my gosh. Hello. I just have to take a deep, deep breath. It's one of those days. It's summer. It's Friday. It's gorgeous out today, and it's already 1 o'clock here and I'm recording on a Friday. Hello. Yeah. That means I put it off. Val Selby [00:00:56]: I put it off until the last minute, which of course, you know what that means in our businesses. Right? Mhmm. Mhmm. This, this, this, this, this, and this. Little bit of tech. Little bit of tech fun and a little bit of other stuff fun because then things just try to get in the way. It's like, oh, good grief. I just want to get out there in the Jeep with the top off, and it's not blistering hot. Val Selby [00:01:22]: And we're gonna go get some flowers, and just have to get my work done. Damn it. Why is everything breaking? So I will say my one win because it did get to a seriously hilarious point where, like, even my monitor tweaked and tipped so that it was facing too down to even look at it. It's like, oh, what is wrong with everything in my office? Oh my gosh. But I always like to do wins. Definitely like to focus on the win. And the big win is I haven't been able to use my printer for months because it just didn't want a Wi Fi. And I got a cord for it, and it's hardwired in. Val Selby [00:02:00]: And I figured out the settings, went into all the advanced settings, figured that bitch out, and I can print again. So I'm gonna celebrate that printing. I don't have to do it all that often, but holy crap. When you need to print out the insurance papers for your vehicles, it's kind of like a thing that kind of need to do it. It kind of feels nice to be able to do it on the printer that you already have. Where are we going today? Where are we going? I'm all over the place. Obviously, my caffeine has been amazing this morning, but for real, it's mostly because I'm trying to get the hell out of here, get all my stuff done, and I wanna go get some plants. Hence, if you're watching the video, my office is a mess, and that's okay. Val Selby [00:02:42]: You just get to see weird, real me. It's just real me here. So what did I wanna talk about today? I had an idea. I had a topic, and then flew right out of my caffeine head as I started laughing because even when I got on here, Zoom had to update. This is just one of those days where you just have to laugh because it's ridiculous. You know? It's like, okay. All right, here we go. Every time I open or do something, it's just going to be a little bit longer. Val Selby [00:03:12]: All right. I'm going to embrace this, which is ironic. And if you've been here anytime at all, you know, I've talked about meditation a few times. I don't know if I've talked about it all that much, but I am currently on day 2 of my meditation with my little book that I absolutely love. I've done this twice for the full 40 days, gone through the abundance book. I like it. I love it. For me, it works. Val Selby [00:03:42]: It's just to get the money mindset rolling and flowing, and it requires mind quiets to do that. And if you know me, you know, I've talked about the fact that my brain hears meditation and goes squirrel, all the squirrels, all the ideas, and it, like, fights the word "meditation." So usually I just go, okay. We're gonna do mind quiet. Okay, brain, we're going to do mind quiets. And it's just like, all right, we can try and do that. I can go all over the place with this. I am at a point right now where I really do need the meditation. Val Selby [00:04:14]: In fact, I'm going to do it tonight before bed as well. My anxiety seems to be basically under control, so that's awesome. But I'm feeling all amped up quite a bit, quite often. And it's great for getting some stuff done, and I know that that's part of the reason why I'm amped right now. Let's see. I think we're on the 23rd July. So I'm on day 2 of the sprint to cash. So my brain has just been like, I can't wait to do this. Val Selby [00:04:46]: I can't wait to market it. I know. Marketing, and I'm loving it. Sales, sales, sales, big marketing. And I'm creating the stuff, and I'm doing the stuff as I'm creating it. So I'm just, like, in full creative mode. And it feels so great because, gosh, it might have been a year or even longer since I felt this creative energy. So I'm fully embracing it. Val Selby [00:05:12]: However, it has made it really difficult to turn off and go to bed and go to sleep. So I'm just like, okay, let's go and grab some things that people always recommend, and we're just gonna give them a try because it never hurts to just sit and hush. Never hurts to do that. I don't care if you're into meditation, if you're into prayer, I do not care what it is that you are sitting there quietly doing. It helps you. Right? So I'm doing that in the mornings right now. Val Selby [00:05:46]: So I'm on day 2 committing to the 40 days and maybe beyond, but I'm committing to the 40 days. And I already decided, I wrote my little journal afterwards, that I am, feeling that I need to do a meditation before bed tonight too, which hubby falls asleep super quick. I have my earbuds right next to the bed. I have a meditation app, the Calm app on my phone. It connects to my watch as well, so it's telling me good job. And I get kudos for it, which I always love, you know, competition in me, even if it's competing with myself. Anyways, so I'm feeling the urge to do that. So pay attention. Val Selby [00:06:28]: Pay attention to the downtime. For me, one of the things I know I have to be aware of is when I get in this creative mode. Previously, I've had a habit of not doing the downtime of just go, go, go, go, go, go, go. If you're going through things, if you've got health issues, chronic issues, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're gonna get to those points where you're just like, I just can't. I don't have the energy. And coming out of one of those no energy spots, then I overcompensate. Right? Then I'm just like, oh, the things. Val Selby [00:07:02]: Let's do all of the things right now. My list, I'm powering through my list and I get so excited because I'm powering through my list. And I am going to be aware and watch for the flags. Hopefully, I won't get the flags because I'm, you know, making sure to take time off and put things in place like the meditations and just the chilling. Hopefully, that will help me not get to the point where I'm burning out. You know, that's my goal. That's my goal. I'm gonna put things in place this time to hopefully be proactive and prevent the burnout. Val Selby [00:07:34]: But it feels so good to be in this creative space. Oh my gosh. I mean, you know, yeah, my desk has some piles on it, but I actually cleaned up my whole office. It's got so much room for activities. It does so. It's like so much nicer. It's like, oh, I want to come in here. I love coming in here. Val Selby [00:07:57]: You know, it's just figuring out what's going to work and move you forward and knowing that whatever space you are in right now, mentally, hopefully, physically, and, you know, whatever's draining you, causing you anxiety that, you know, we're gonna move through it. It's gonna feel like forever. It really won't be, but it's gonna feel like forever. Now I think I'm just gonna talk about every single topic out there today. My brain's just gonna squirrel and we're just gonna talk about it. The main thing is how excited I am to be in this creative spot. And I know it has to do with all the systems that are getting put in place and even more systems are coming into place. My team and I, let's see. Val Selby [00:08:38]: Some of us have been working together for, like, 2 years, another one for maybe a year and a half, year or something like that. I don't know. I should probably look that up. Should should should. No. I shouldn't do anything. I think I would like to look that up. And now that we've worked together for a while, things flow so nicely. Val Selby [00:08:56]: It's like consistently changing in a positive way of, okay, let's do this. Let's do that. Let's add this now that we've got this in place and it's working. Let's do this. Oh my gosh. It's fabulous. It's fabulous. And so throwing that "Sprint to Cash" out, I really did just throw it. Val Selby [00:09:17]: That's why you didn't hear about it. Sorry for the podcast. However, if you want to find out when the next one's going to run, I'm leaning towards doing another one before the end of the year. I'm not a 100% positive that I can fit it in the marketing schedule. Yes. Marketing schedule. I'm being really purposeful and I've got my launches, my major launches lined out for 2025 even organized in my Asana. But if you would like to find out when the next Sprint to Cash challenge is going to be, you can go to the link. Val Selby [00:09:52]: We have it down there in the show notes. You can go to the link and sign up and be on the waitlist, and then you'll get the information as soon as it goes live. What this is is a 3 week challenge for you to challenge yourself to go make money right now. No creating new products, using what you have, figuring out your expertise that you can leverage and get out there and getting your business account on the positive immediately. That's why I'm saying it's not about creating anything new. It's about taking what you already have and leveraging it and making money from it. So it's 2 weeks of challenges, and then 1 week after that is all implementation and asking me questions. So like I said, I'm on day 2. Val Selby [00:10:32]: Loving it. I cannot wait. I've gamified it. I've got prizes. I'm super excited for that. But that's just teasing you. I know you can't get in right now, but go get on the waitlist, and you will know immediately when I create the next one. Or I won't be creating this, just the next one. Val Selby [00:10:48]: It's created - when I'm running the next one live. And I am squirreled. I am absolutely squirrel today, and I am embracing the squirrels today because it's summer. It's warm. The top is off the jeep. I'm gonna go get some flowers. What do I want to leave you with? I think that the whole point, honestly, was, you know, coming in here without an idea of what I was gonna talk about. You're just getting a definite view into my brain for as it stands right this minute. Val Selby [00:11:17]: The main thing I want you to pay attention to is your highs and lows. Yeah, that's what I'm getting right now. Your highs and lows. I have been working on myself a lot. I didn't think I could once again say the most I've ever grown ever, but here we are. Yep. Every time now. So I'm going to be remembering that as well. That, yes, every time I'm growing, it's probably bigger and bigger and bigger. Val Selby [00:11:41]: Right? Because as you fix something, you find something a little bit more embedded. I don't want to freak you out because I want you to keep improving, and so I don't want to freak you out. Anyways, I have been in that. I've been really, really focused on my health, both physically and mentally. And in that process, it's been exhausting. Absolutely exhausting. Like, some days, maybe I'll get an email done. My to-do list is a little bit out of control right now. Val Selby [00:12:12]: Not as in I feel like I have to do all of this today, but as in so much stuff is just not done. And I know when that gets to that point, it's going to be pretty easy because now I get to go through and evaluate. And I was like, okay. I had no energy. I was too exhausted. This didn't get done. What's that saying? Is that not getting done because it doesn't need to get done, or is that not getting done because I need to pass it on to the team? You know, what's it saying? So I'm asking myself a lot of whys, which I ask myself why. It just helps me get my systems better, and then I don't drive the team crazy as much either because I can go through and it's just like, okay. Val Selby [00:12:53]: I realized I missed this, so I'm going to assign it to you now so that this doesn't happen again because that's my bad. So I am dying to get out there and go cruise around in the Jeep in the sunshine. Top off. It's Washington, so can only do that so much here in the Seattle area. And today is one of those days I won't be frying, I'm sure. So I think I will leave you as that. I want you to pay attention to what mode you are in. Are you in I need and want and desire to take care of myself right now, or are you in full gung ho create mode? But I want you to be careful whichever extreme you might be in and just pay attention because as I said, I am in full gung ho, let's create all of the things. Val Selby [00:13:45]: I want to work 24/7. I mean, there's been some nights that I haven't been able to sleep very well and I'm like, you know what, maybe I'm just gonna go get up and I'm like, oh, that sounds like fun. And I'm like, wow. What happened? I haven't felt like this in months. But I'm like, all of a sudden in the middle of the night going, I want to go get on the computer and create something. You know, I'm saying something, but I know what I want to create. Go create this, get this knocked off the list. And so I'm just being really aware, that that is another extreme that's not healthy. Val Selby [00:14:11]: So how can I make sure that I balance that out? So I want you to pay attention if you might be in some kind of extreme right now and ask yourself why. For one, if you need to, you know, especially if you're in the extreme where you're exhausted and fatigued and feeling like you don't want to do anything, let's ask the why on that one. But give yourself grace if you're in that period. You know, and this is big reason why the Spirit to Cash started because I'm coming across so many people that are in that limited energy right now for one thing. And it's also summer, so there's limited time because we want to go out and have fun. So the Sprint to Cash is us really focusing on those things that are going to get us the money because we're in business to make money. The end. We are perfectly great. Val Selby [00:14:59]: We rock the customer service. We take care of our people. We build community. We are awesome at that. Awesome, awesome, awesome. The one thing most of us usually need to work on and, yep, I'm including myself on that because I know I want to be better is the marketing, the sales, putting ourselves out there so that we're making more money because money is the focus for the business. If it wasn't a business, we wouldn't need money, right? It's a business. Businesses need money to be a business. Val Selby [00:15:26]: We can be a charity, we could be anything else if we want to, but we want to be a business. We want to pay our bills. We want to put gas in our Jeep so we can drive to go get flowers. That requires money. So that's why that was coming up is there's so limited energy. I'm having other people are also saying, which of course, since I had all of the you know, I was exhausted. I know that I was bringing some of that to me as well, which is totally fine because the conversations have been amazing. Let's leave it at that. Val Selby [00:15:55]: Please pay attention to where you are at, what you are feeling you should be doing and pay attention to that. Should means you need to ask yourself why you are feeling that way. But pay attention if you're in full work mode and excited. Make sure that you are putting some breaks in there, taking some time to not be working and to just relax your mind and breathe. Breathe in, breathe out. Take some time so you don't burn out. So you can keep that creative energy going even longer. All right. Val Selby [00:16:28]: Well, I think I'll have a better topic mapped out for you next week. Yeah. Just get full squirrel brain from Val today. I appreciate you for listening to my squirrel brain, but, obviously, you were listening because you're feeling the same energy. So hit me up anytime. I would love to chat and help you move forward in your business. Alright. Have an awesome week. Val Selby [00:16:51]: I'll chat next week. Bye.