Val Selby [00:00:06]: Hey, this is Val Selby and after over 20 years online, I can track where my mindset has blocked me. If procrastination, impostor syndrome and a lack of focus have been blocking your biz, then Val Full Volume is here to help you see choices you are making. Get ready to use your expertise to collaborate like a pro as you create the business of your dreams. Now is the time to make changes and live your best life. Let's get to it! Val Selby [00:00:36]: Alright. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to Val Full Volume. I'm Val. I have to come here and take a deep breath. We're gonna dig into why and how I made the best use of why we're having this conversation. How are you doing today? If you're watching from the video, I had to put on a manifestation shirt. If you're on the podcast with no video, it says happy. I will be happy. Val Selby [00:01:12]: Goddamn it. I will. So I'm wearing my shirt to prove it. There has been so much behind the scenes at Bundle Bash going kaput. It doesn't matter how you wanna say it. It broke. Shit's broke. It's broke all over. Val Selby [00:01:32]: It's broke upside down. It's so broke. I didn't even know which pages to go and do old school links to. My site, I think it was so I'm recording on a Monday. It might have been Thursday, but we didn't I didn't catch it till Friday that my site was super broken because the plugins that I use for almost everything, the products - the plugin we use for almost everything, you know, we create most of our pages with this plugin. Absolutely love it. Thrive Suite, Thrive Themes. Nothing to do with ThriveCart peoples, but my Thrive Suite, Thrive Themes. Val Selby [00:02:09]: I think it's called the Thrive Suite is what I own, but it's Thrive Themes. Anyways, I had updated because there was updates, and since I use a lot of that plugins in that suite with my WordPress, you know, I always keep that up to date, and I'd done that. And I noticed that I got a borked message that, okay, well, it didn't go through because couldn't get rid of the files. You're getting way more information. So I had noticed that something had happened, but I didn't notice the site wasn't up. Right? I didn't notice that it was broke until, I think somebody messaged. Oh, somebody messaged me because they were looking for something, and I'm like, that is not how the page is supposed to look. And then, of course, by Friday morning, my wonderful OBM, online business manager, he was just like, what is going on? And I'm like, oh, I do not know. Val Selby [00:03:06]: So I hit customer service on both ends. It was my hosting. So that took a couple of days to get figured out what was wrong with the hosting. Meanwhile, my site, my pretty site that we've worked so hard to get rebranded and still not fully rebranded on every single page. But I'm so happy with my little site getting so much prettier, and she was broke broke. She was 2004 broke. She was crying in her I'm still just this weird little WordPress thingy with this weird little cheap WordPress theme. I don't wanna be in 2004. Val Selby [00:03:48]: She was broke. Luckily, there was - and I'm in a few events right now. I've got event access, like, overlapping from events that I'm participating in. And, of course, that's happening, so I'm getting customer service from that. I'm just like, ugh. So I'm doing that. It's a weekend. I try hard not to work weekends. Val Selby [00:04:08]: Not a thing this weekend. It's welcome to entrepreneurship. Right? But the big part was I just wanted to scream and cry. And if you've been following me, you know, that I've got anxiety. I finally acknowledged it, like, a year ago, and I got on meds. Got on 2nd meds in January. Got off the meds a few weeks ago because holy shit, they were screwed up my entire life. So I am working with my anxiety with no meds, and this is broken, and this and this needs to happen, and this needs to happen. Val Selby [00:04:45]: It's like I can't even record podcasts because the lag time and I've gone to, you know, this cool program that I paid a year for because it's so highly highly recommended and it's got this lag from hell. I mean, it just - I dislike using excuses because no matter what's going on in the universe, I still firmly believe that we have daily choices that we get to make no matter what is going on, but Mercury Retrograde was fucking with me big time and I was bound and determined not to lose my mind. Bound and determined. Here's how bad it got, you guys. I deep cleaned my bathroom. Deep cleaned my bathroom for, like, 3 hours on Sunday. Again, if you have followed me for a while, you know I hate cleaning. I deep cleaned the bathroom from corner to corner to ceiling, threw away a bunch of stuff, took stuff out. Val Selby [00:05:54]: It's very pretty and welcoming now, but I only do that when I'm in an extreme, like, super extreme [unintelligible]. So I hit that point. By the time you're listening to this, I think Mercury Retrograde is gone. I don't know. I am, like, kicking I'm kicking her out. I don't know if Mercury Retrograde is a he or a she. I guess, maybe it's a they. I'm kicking it out. Val Selby [00:06:22]: Kicking it out. I ain't got time for that. I have so much going on in the next few weeks that I'm choosing, and here's where we're gonna wrap it around. All of this stuff is going on. Right? I'm like, no. Nope. I'm not gonna sit here and wallow in my tears. I mean, I could feel them. Val Selby [00:06:44]: I don't cry even with my anxiety. I'm not a crier. And I could feel it welling up. I'm like, oh my god. I would like 2 bottles of wine, maybe 3 bottles of wine right now and a whole loaf of bread. I'm just gonna go sit on the couch and drowned in bread and wine in my comfort zone. By the way, I'm also really, really paying attention to my drinking, so I'm not using that as a crutch. So lots you're getting lots today. Val Selby [00:07:13]: And this is why I figured I was getting tested because I don't think I've ever had a time I can remember, you know, since I've had more systems and things in place that this much has just all been like, whoo all at once. Again, found and determined. I have passed the test that the universe is staring at me. I will continue to pass the test. I hope that you're not getting tested as much or didn't get tested as much as I did. So what did I decide to do? I decided to embrace it and just jump into my sarcastic self and, laugh hysterically and write an email because I could put up some ugly, regular - they're not ugly. There's nothing wrong with just plain old links, but they were just URLs. My buttons are all broken, gone. Val Selby [00:08:05]: I mean, they weren't even broke. They were gone. My buttons on my website went away with the page builder. So people were going and they're just like, I'm supposed to be signing up for this product from an event and there's nowhere to sign up. I'm like, what? So I went and put the URLs on there so that could happen. And as I did that, I went and put some plain old links, tried to make them as big as possible in old school WordPress. And as I'm doing that, I'm like, well, yeah, let's just make lemon martinis out of these lemons. Screw the lemonade. Val Selby [00:08:41]: We are past lemonade. We're gonna make some lemon drops. Lemon drops with these lemons because we need we need some stronger than lemonade. So I went and did, 3 sales. They're the sale's over now, but, you know, I threw in 3 sales. So a major discount for the membership. I did, prelaunch, a prelaunch for the next Sprint to Cash, which you can check that one out. That one is coming up I don't know the dates. Val Selby [00:09:10]: I wasn't gonna talk about it, so I'm gonna know the dates. And then I also put in there a ginormous 50% off coupon for the After Party. I haven't launched that yet, so I thought, yeah. Sure. Let's go ahead and do it. So the point was for me I mean, you couldn't even get into my membership areas. Right? So that was my conversation. It's like, okay. Val Selby [00:09:31]: You're getting this huge discount. My website will be working again without problems after the weekend if need be. My host, you know, it's the weekend, and it's not a big corporation. So I'm like, we'll have it back by next week. Give Bash Pass a try for $17 for your 1st month. You know? Come meet with us weekly. You know? Yeah. Shit's broke. Val Selby [00:09:56]: It's broke. But you know what? You don't have to get into the membership area right away to benefit from the membership. So I'm like, okay. What else? What else? And that's what led me down to signing up for this this Sprint Cash was I'm, like, looking at, okay. What else can I put in here that I don't technically have to have? Technology? So that's when I'm like, oh, presale the Sprint to Cash. I can do that because they're not getting access until the end of September. September 23rd is when Sprint to Cash launches, and we will start the 10 day challenge. And then and we open up the Facebook on 16th. Val Selby [00:10:33]: So just to have those numbers or the dates for you. So I might okay. They don't get access immediately. This is perfect. Let's run this $18, jump in, grab it. VIP days, the After Party is a VIP day. If you don't know what a VIP day is, it's 1-on-1 access with me, and we're gonna work on something for 3 hours that you need to get done. We're gonna get shit done. Val Selby [00:10:59]: I don't need my technology for that. I don't need my website for that because we are totally in yours, and we're working on your projects, your strategy. It's nothing to do with my website. So I'm like, oh, that'll work. Let's run with that. Why not offer for 50% off, and let's just roll with it? So I turned it into a positive as I sat here and waited and waited for emails to come through and waited and waited, I waited. I felt like I was waiting forever. I really wasn't. Val Selby [00:11:27]: It was nice and fast, but it still it just felt like forever because it's just there in my brain going, you can't even send out your regular stuff because it's, I mean, my brain's just going through all of the because's, all of the crap because so much stuff was broken. And so happy to report, it was fixed on Sunday. Here it is. It's Monday. I finally figured it out why, feel free to laugh at me, why there was such a horrid lag with recording in Riverside. It's not the platform. Val Selby [00:12:02]: It's not Riverside FM's fault. Nothing to do with that. I was trying to get better quality videos, So I upgraded my camera to a 4k camera. I don't know if my system hates it. I don't know what. I'm not even going there. I know that my computer wants to die. She's tired. Val Selby [00:12:19]: I love her. I love you. I love you, girl. Stick with me. Just stick with me. Mama does not wanna buy a new computer right now. However, it wasn't however, I don't even care. I'm not gonna get techie with the camera. Val Selby [00:12:33]: The camera, my computer recording, hated each other. All 3, all 3 of them, they hated each other. It was a horrible, horrible mean girl situation and I couldn't get anything to record well. I had recorded on Friday, yeah, in the midst of all of this, right, all of this going on at Friday, like, full blown on Friday. I had recorded because I was like, damn it. I am gonna be on time with my recording so that we can get this out, and my team is not having to work like maniacs because I'm late. So I was like, oh, recorded. So I recorded it, and then as I'm recording it, I mean, I can watch because I'm watching the video as I'm doing it. Val Selby [00:13:15]: Right? I can watch it. It's like, oh my god. This lag time is so bad. Okay. Well, maybe it's just as it's recording, and then I pulled it up, and I'm like, what the hell is going on? What the hell is going on? So good news. I put my old camera back on, and my old camera doesn't believe in being a mean girl. She's fitting in with the computer and the Riverside.FM. So here we are, a little bit more happy. Val Selby [00:13:45]: Hence, the t shirt. The happy t shirt. One of the awesome things is I got really engaged in my Facebook group over the weekend. Actually, both of them. I was getting super connected with people. I was just doing 1-on-1 reach outs, not a ton. I didn't wanna go into Facebook jail. But I was doing the 1-on-1 reach outs, you know, talking behind the scenes with some people that I haven't reached out to in a while. Val Selby [00:14:10]: So it was making me get off my platform and get in out of my list because I couldn't work on the things that were on my list on Friday because shit was broken. Right? Shit's broken. So I did that and I connected. I got some people scheduled for some sessions this week. I already had one today that's so much fun that I hadn't talked to her before, so we just did a quick 30 minute session. And it's gotten me to create a list of other words that I want to talk about, cringey words and not so cringey words. You know, some of the words just have changed meaning from what they started on and especially I was working really hard not to put my opinions on when I was asking the questions about, you know, the word mastermind and master class and webinar and these online marketing words that are thrown around all over. I was asking everybody's opinion from their experience, you know, what these words mean to them. Val Selby [00:15:14]: It was interesting because some people couldn't stick to what it means to them. They wanted to define it. And I'm like, okay. Well, you get to do what you want, but I was asking what it means to you. And it was so hard not to put my opinion because, you know, I got some opinions. But I was like, oh, let's just put those words down on the list and we'll record some podcasts about those words, about what those words are, by definition, what they used to be, how they're perceived now because perception is everything, and especially in our marketing right now. You know, that's another thing that I'm gonna get into because it's too much just for today's topic. Today, I wanted to stick with pivoting when shit's broken. Val Selby [00:16:00]: It's broken. It's broken and it's so broken that there's nothing you can do to fix it. You know? And one of the things that I talked about in my first email that went out Friday for the shit's broken sale was, you know, I'm trying, because I'm human, to listen to my gut. My gut told me to move hosting, not necessarily providers, but to move my hosting out of this super secure, awesome hosting that I have because it's not on cPanel, and I know that there's a zillion issues with cPanel. But you know what's worse than cPanel? Not being able to use your back end at all. Having a back end that's so confusing on your website, you can't find your files, so you can't upload files when you know how to do this stuff. When you know how to do your DNS, because you're gonna change your email providers and the DMARCs, SPF, DKIM, you know how to do this if I was in cPanel, but I can't do it in this super secure, awesome hosting. This is so secure. Val Selby [00:17:09]: So then I was back and forth, back and forth for that with my hosting as well. So we were working on that, and then we worked in the site, which the site just hate this new site with that new back end. It's all secure and shit. It's just - it's too much. And I knew this before I switched I think I switched a year ago. So I knew this a couple of months after switching, but it you know what? I'm like, that's so much going on at that time that I'm like, I am not moving again. We're here. We're working. Val Selby [00:17:44]: Not moving again. So this weekend was a notice. Oh, we're moving. Not right the second, but we're moving probably just within the same hosting company because I've always been happy with the customer service that's there. And he even had said, you know what? We might need to move out of this one because this one and these programs that you really don't care for each other, do they? I'm like, no. Oh, we're getting that notice that they don't care for each other. So that was one of the things that I had learned in this whole pivot. You know, it was I didn't go with my gut. Val Selby [00:18:17]: I knew I needed to leave, and then I just threw that idea away because nothing was broken. Right? Nothing's broken, so we're like, okay. We're fine. We're fine where we are. Then all of a sudden, something's broken and you're paying some pretty high dollars for it. And you're like, oh, damn it. Damn it. It's 3 days that it's broken and looking ugly. Val Selby [00:18:38]: And I'm paying. You know? If I break it down into the dollars, these are dollars per day that I'm paying, technically. So going with my gut. I have to remember to go with my gut. And when my gut's telling me something and now is not the right time, I need to write it down and, like, put a deadline to check-in with it. Okay. I know that when I moved to hosting and I didn't care for it pretty quickly and, you know, I just lost my mother-in-law. I was just started running Bundle Bash by myself. Val Selby [00:19:11]: There was so much going on. You know? My anxiety had hit the end that I had to deal with it. I had to do something about it. I had to improve it. All of this was happening at that same time, and that was definitely not the time to be doing another move. However, a smart thing would have been for me to write it down, put a deadline to check-in, write into my Asana, and say, hey. Don't forget. Come on back to this because you are positive that you should not stay here forever, that that this is gonna cause issues. Val Selby [00:19:45]: It did. Exactly what I should have written down. This is gonna cause issues check-in. So I'm going to work on my humanness and pay attention to when stuff like that is happening. Deadline, Asana. It's the reason I have it. Put it in there so I can check on it later. You know? Now is not the right time. Val Selby [00:20:05]: That's fine. That is fine. Don't do too much at once. Just like I do want to move, and I will be moving, but right now is not the time because I'm moving my email service over. I'm not gonna do both of them at the same time and, cause even more chaos in my life because that's a choice. Moving my hosting at the same time as moving my email list, that would be a choice for chaos. That would just be causing my own insanity. So I'm not gonna do that. Val Selby [00:20:34]: So when everything is broke, I know this is the what lessons can you get out of it? And the lesson also was, alright. How can I go make some sales the easier way? I don't need my full program to make sales for what? You know? I wasn't gonna sit there. I was bound and determined not to just sit there and wallow in it. That, nothing's working. No butt there's no buttons. Nobody's gonna see the link, so I'm not gonna make any money this weekend. I was bound and determined not to sit and wallow in it even though I wanted to. I really, really wanted to. Val Selby [00:21:10]: I was telling myself, no. We're gonna do something better than that. We are going to be proactive. We are going to make the shit's broken sail, and we're gonna run with it. Maybe I'll run it again just for the hell of it. Just remember back in the day when my stuff broke. Let's run that sale again. Oh, that feels kinda like manifesting. Val Selby [00:21:30]: Oh, okay. Let's put that away. We're gonna manifest happy. Okay. Alright. So what has broken in your business recently? Have you worked through it? Are you in it right now? Is that why this is coming out for you right this second? Is your shit broken right now? If it is, hit me up. I feel you. I hear you. Val Selby [00:21:54]: I will help you pull up your pants. So you can dig in and figure out how you're gonna do a little pivot. It's not a forever pivot when stuff's broken. Not gonna be forever. It's just broken right now, and we're gonna work through it and we're gonna make the most of it. So hit me up. Okay? Let me help you work through the ick. Alright. Val Selby [00:22:15]: I'm gonna be back next week, and we are gonna talk about those words that I said. It depends how ranty I get. I don't think I'm gonna - I'm not gonna get ranty. I might. I might get a little so we'll see if I do all of the words together or if they're broken up. I'm not committing to that right now, but I'm so happy that I can be on here recording again, and I'm sure my husband is as well because I was getting so ranty because poor mister Selby. He had to hear all of this and he's just like, uh-huh. Yeah. Val Selby [00:22:47]: What? Uh-huh. I'm sorry. It's all broke. Alright. Go make sales. Go get out there. Go contact someone that you know needs your help. Just reach out to anyone. Val Selby [00:23:04]: Start a conversation. You can't make sales without starting conversations. Alright. I'll chat at you next week. Bye.