Five Principles of Joy: A Conversation with Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco

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Val Full Volume
Five Principles of Joy: A Conversation with Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco

Five Principles of JoyAre you looking for a way to shift your mindset? Stones and Crystals can provide the best tools for the journey. With over 4000 stones and crystals in the world, finding one that represents the shift you are looking for isn’t too difficult. Robyn is here to help make that journey a little easier. As a spiritual life coach. Robyn helps successful women who are feeling unaligned and unfulfilled in their lives, despite their success.

Join Val and Robyn as they discuss the concept of spiritual empowerment, living one’s life with the freedom and gratitude of living it fully and completely. This requires continuous effort and mindset growth. While this growth comes from within, guidance from a stone or crystal can help magnify that internal growth mindset. Once you are aware of what you want, you have to continuously work for it, and having an anchor can help you achieve those goals.

More about Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco

Robyn is your Favorite Spiritual Life Coach! She helps high-achieving women ready to shift into a new phase on their journey to make themselves a priority. There is more to life than achievement. There is also fulfillment. Robyn calls it Spiritual Empowerment – the power to live your life in gratitude as your Authentic Self without fear or apology.

Create a Life That Rocks

Her book on Amazon: Let’s Get Stoned: Using stones & crystals to create a life that rocks! 

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